Comments on: World Food Day: What IS Food? http://localhost/becahub/blog/world-food-day-what-is-food/ Biosciences eastern and central Africa - International Livestock Research Institute Sat, 12 Jan 2019 08:42:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nora Ndege http://localhost/becahub/blog/world-food-day-what-is-food/#comment-8 Nora Ndege Wed, 16 Oct 2013 20:02:25 +0000 Perhaps we need to revisit our indigenous knowledge. It is so rich and thus we need to go back and consolidate all the information regarding indigenous crops. This is one area that has been neglected and activities such as documentation of the indigenous knowledge is needed to preserve this kind of knowledge.
There are various crops that are now neglected including the orphan crops and they have great potential to curb food insecurity at both household level as well as nationally.
