International symposium on cavies July 2016

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The Biosciences eastern and central Africa-International Livestock Research Institute (BecA-ILRI) Hub, Kenya in collaboration with the University of Dschang and the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, Cameroon are convening an international symposium on Cavy production and market systems in Yaoundé, Cameroon on 6-8 July 2016.

This event will bring together key stakeholders in the cavy culture industry and some stakeholders dealing with alternative livestock species from Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, DRC, Kenya and Tanzania; local NGOs and farmer organizations; representatives of international research and funding institutions; academics from Africa and Europe; and organizations from South American countries where cavy rearing is well established including PROCASUR, Colombia and La Molina National University, Peru.

The symposium provides a forum for information exchange among cavy stakeholders within Africa and between Africa and Latin America, and will explore the untapped potential of cavies as mini livestock to help poor and vulnerable households in Africa climb up the livestock ladder out of poverty. In the longer term this symposium seeks to establish a south – south partnership on cavies and other alternative livestock as a means to for rural farmers and other vulnerable communities to increase income and household nutrition.

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